Bonus Features: Discussion Points

Post Act 1

  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 1.
  • How does Shakespeare establish the tone of the play in Act 1, scene 1?
  • Is Duncan a good ruler?
  • What are your first impressions of Lady Macbeth - is she merely ambitious or evil?
  • Explore the ways in which Macbeth and Banquo are presented in Act 1.
  • Whose ambition is the driving force in the play – Macbeth’s, Lady Macbeth’s, or both?

Post Act 2

  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 2.
  • What is the significance of Macbeth’s vision of the dagger?
  • What dramatic function does the Porter serve in the play?
  • Why does Shakespeare introduce a discussion between Ross and an old man about supernatural events taking place upon Duncan’s death?

Post Act 3

  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 3.
  • Compare and contrast the view of fate held by Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Banquo.
  • What is the significance of Macbeth’s vision of Banquo’s ghost in the play?
  • Compare the Macbeth’s relationship at the start of the play and at this point in the story. Has it changed? If so, in what ways?

Post Act 4

  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 4.
  • Discuss the role of the weird sisters; how much is this about fate versus free will?
  • What role do Macbeth’s visions and hallucinations play in the development of his character?
  • What is the significance of Malcolm’s testing of Macduff to determine his sincerity?

Post Act 5

  • Discuss important themes in Macbeth.
  • Discuss important lines and moments from Act 5.
  • Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff and Banquo. How are they alike? How are they different?
  • Discuss how Shakespeare explores the nature of gender and power in this play.
  • Is Macbeth truly a tragic figure?
  • Do you think Malcolm will be a good king?
Melbar Entertainment Group Ontario Media Development Corporation The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit

Support for PerformancePlus is generously provided by The John and Myrna Daniels Charitable Foundation

Support for Stratford Festival HD is generously provided by Laura Dinner & Richard Rooney, the Jenkins Family Foundation, the Henry White Kinnear Foundation, Ophelia & Mike Lazaridis, The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation, Sandra & Jim Pitblado, the Slaight Family Foundation, Robert & Jacqueline Sperandio, and an anonymous donor