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Help future generations share your love of great theatre by donating to our For All Time Endowment Fund.  Each year a portion of the interest generated by the Endowment helps supports vital aspects of our work – from staging Shakespeare productions,  to training artists and artisans,  to developing learning programs for students and teachers.

These are just some of the many possibilities you can help support when you make an outright gift, endow a seat in one of our theatres or establish a named fund. You can also designate your contributions to specific program areas.

* Gifts made through the Stratford Festival of America 
^ Stratford Festival Board and Senate members 
+Stratford Festival Staff/Company members

Funded by the Government of Canada


To discuss all opportunities in detail, please email Christine Seip , Director, Major Gifts & US Outreach, or call her at 519.271.4040, ext. 5630.

To discuss making a legacy gift to the Endowment by remembering us in your will, please email Dawn Marie Schlegel, Director, Planned Giving or call her at 519.271.4040 ex. 3330. 

 "The Stratford Festival has a strong foundation on which to build. But a living creative theatre cannot grow in the long term if it depends only on ticket revenues and annual donations" - Antoni Cimolino,  Artistic Director